Make sure your phone is running on the latest software update.Restart your phone first then check if the problem still occurs.The good news is that if your phone doesn’t meet the requirements then you won’t be able to download it from the Google Play Store. You should make sure your device meets the recommended system requirements. This type of problem is usually software related however it can also be caused by your phone’s hardware limitation. One of the common issues that you might experience with this game is when it crashes on your Android phone. Fixing the crashing issue of GTA San Andreas on Android Today, it’s consistently one of the top paid apps to be downloaded over at the Google Play Store. This was first released for the Windows platform in 2004 and has also made its way to the Android platform since 2013. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is an open world game where players can freely explore and interact with their environment. There’s also the possibility that your device might not be supported which is why you need to verify this. The usual suspect is a software glitch which can be fixed by performing a few troubleshooting steps. There are several factors that can cause the GTA San Andreas crashing in Android issue.